sketchA sketchB sketchC sketchD sketchE sketchF sketchG sketchH sketchI sketchJ sketchK sketchL frame foundation finish blank objectives audio\skech_a1.wav audio\skech_b1.wav audio\skech_c1.wav audio\skech_d1.wav audio\skech_e1.wav audio\skech_f1.wav audio\skech_g2.wav audio\skech_h1.wav audio\skech_i2.wav audio\skech_j1.wav audio\skech_k1.wav audio\skech_l1.wav audio\frame.wav audio\foundati.wav audio\finish.wav audio\finish.wav audio\chapter2.wav 4sketchList, currframe, lastAnim, thisAnim, lastWav, thisWav, wavList --switch the 5 = "sketchA" = "instruct,step1,step2,step3" k = " <,sketchB,sketchC,sketchD" ("hand" & i) AnimDone AudioDone handanim "hand1" "hand4" "hand2" "hand3" mmNotify cRef, cCommand, cResult = "successful" buttonClick 4sketchList, currframe, currObject, thisWav, wavList, audioOn, currfield, vol f + 1 normalGraphic = icon "forwardsml" syserrornumber = 0 thiswav mmIsOpen clip mmClose notify mmvolume mmPlay audioerror notifyBefore enabled update mmNotify cRef, cCommand, cResult buttonClick 4sketchList, currframe, currObject, thisWav, audioOn, wavList, vol [ + 1 normalGraphic = icon "forwardsml" syserrornumber = 0 thiswav (mmstatus clip = "playing" 1= "paused") mmstop Jwait <> 1 mmIsOpen mmClose notify mmvolume mmPlay handanim audioerror notifyBefore mmNotify cRef, cCommand, cResult = vol update buttonClick 4sketchList, currframe, currObject, thisWav, audioOn, wavList, vol 7 > 1 V - 1 syserrornumber = 0 mmIsOpen clip mmClose notify mmvolume Mthiswav = mmPlay handanim audioerror update /"single" --notifyBefore -- enabled mmNotify cRef, cCommand, cResult buttonClick 4sketchList, currframe, currObject, thisWAv, wavList, audioOn, currfield, vol B > 1 a - 1 syserrornumber = 0 thiswav mmIsOpen clip thisWav mmClose notify mmvolume mmPlay audioerror update notifyBefore enabled mmNotify cRef, cCommand, cResult wavList sketchA sketchList sketchA,sketchB,sketchC,sketchD thisAnim instruct,step1,step2,step3 lastAnim currframe thisWav lastWav enterPage ,%H.% sketchList leavePage AnimDone AudioDone hand3 hand2 hand4 currframe hand1 handanim Rhandanim successful mmNotify audioOn currObject wavList sketchList currfield forwardsml currframe thisWav audioerror buttonClick forwardsml enterPage currframe sketchList forwardsml currframe update audioOn wavList currframe thisWav audioerror mmNotify audioOn currObject wavList sketchList paused forwardsml currframe thisWav audioerror playing Rhandanim buttonClick forwardsml enterPage audioOn wavList currframe thisWav audioerror mmNotify sketchList forwardsml currframe update audioOn currObject wavList forward sketchList single currframe thisWav audioerror Rhandanim update buttonClick audioOn wavList currframe thisWav audioerror mmNotify audioOn currObject wavList forward sketchList currfield currframe thisWAv audioerror update buttonClick currframe audioOn wavList currframe thisWav audioerror mmNotify thisAnim lastAnim objectives thisWav lastWav enterpage leavepage audiodone animdone 4thisAnim, lastAnim, thisWav, lastWav , = "objectives" audiodone animdone Chapter 2: Sketchingion The objectives of this chapter are to: Introduce basic sketching techniques for informal drawing. Demonstrate how simple techniques can be used to create complex objects. Demonstrate cartooning to represent action. buttonclick buttonclick Begin Lesson object cartoon thisAnim lastAnim thisWav lastWav enterPage 4lastWav, thisWav, lastAnim, thisAnim --switch the qones You have reached the end of Sketching. To review the material, go to the next page. To continue to Engineering Drawing, click the button below.. nextLesson oformdraw buttonClick buttonClick formdraw &Go to next lesson! milling object sketchF currObject wavList sketchList thisAnim lastAnim instruct currframe thisWav sketchF,sketchG,sketchH,sketchI instruct,foundation,frame,finish lastWav enterPage currObject leavePage AnimDone AudioDone 4sketchList, currframe, currObject, thisWav, thisAnim, lastWav, lastAnim, wavList --switch the R = "sketchF" = "instruct,foundation, finish" l = " =,sketchG,sketchH,sketchI" AnimDone AudioDone Three dimensional objects more effectively communicate concepts. When sketching these objects, there are three fundamental steps: foundation, frame, and finish. Three Dimensional Objects currframe notifyBefore 4currframe enabled The foundation is a representation of the space that the object occupies. Remember that parallel lines remain parallel, even in space. currframe notifyBefore 4currframe enabled The frame is the outline of the object. currframe notifyBefore 4currframe enabled The finish consists of small details to define texture, depth, and curvature. instruct foundation frame finish MAGELIST multiple buttons backward currObject forward sketchList currframe multiple update buttonClick currframe buttonClick 4sketchList, currframe, currObject . - 1 update /"multiple" notifyBefore enabled forward currObject sketchList forwardsml currframe buttonClick forwardsml enterPage currframe sketchList forwardsml currframe update buttonClick 4sketchList, currframe, currObject ; + 1 r = 1 normalGraphic = icon "forwardsml" notifyBefore enabled update pause audioOn paused thisWav audioerror playing buttonClick buttonClick audio PAUSE funtion only 4currAUDClip mmstatus clip playing -- mmpause paused -- mmplay -- cVolume -- 4thisWav, audioOn, vol syserrornumber = 0 R = " mmPause v = " mmvolume thiswav = mmPlay audioerror repeat audioon thisWav audioerror buttonClick buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe, thisWav, audioon, vol syserrornumber = 0 audioOn thiswav mmvolume clip mmplay g<> 0 audioerror Repeat smallborder border enterPage currObject wavList sketchList thisAnim sketchE lastAnim instruct currframe thisWav lastWav enterPage currObject leavePage AnimDone AudioDone 4currframe, currObject, sketchList, thisWav, thisAnim, lastWav, lastAnim, wavList --switch the R = "sketchE" = "instruct" = "" j = "" AnimDone AudioDone MAGELIST The basic principles of line sketching can also be applied to curves. First, establish boundary lines. Next, identify crossing and tangent points. Third, approximate the curve using light strokes before finally darkening the shape.S circle1 currObject forward sketchList circle1,circle2,circle3,circle4 currframe multiple update buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe " = "circle1,circle2,circle3,circle4" G = " N = 1 update /"multiple" .tbk" currObject forward ellipse1,ellipse2,ellipse3,ellipse4 sketchList ellipse1 currframe multiple update buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe " = "ellipse1,ellipse2,ellipse3,ellipse4" K = " R = 1 update /"multiple" .tbk" 525,2220,1350,2610 bound currObject forward sketchList sine1 currframe multiple update sine1,sine2,sine3,sine4 buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe " = "sine1,sine2,sine3,sine4" ? = " F = 1 update /"multiple" .tbk" currframe notifyBefore 4currframe Step 2. Identify crossing and tangent points. currframe notifyBefore 4currframe Step 3. Approximate the currframe notifyBefore 4currframe Step 4. Darken the shape.y lines. currframe notifyBefore 4currframe Step 1. Establish boundary lines. circle1 ellipse1 sine1 Circle Ellipse Sineee circle2 circle3 circle4 ellipse2 ellipse3 ellipse4 sine2 sine3 sine4 instruct multiple single cartoons animate Animate! currObject sketchList currframe Revert buttonClick Animate! currframe Revert update Animate! enterPage currframe buttonClick 4sketchList, currframe, currObject . + 1 -- V = 2 m - 1 = "Animate!" = "Revert" update notifyBefore enabled enterPage Animate! solids forward sketchList thisAnim lastAnim currframe thisWav instruct,mill1,mill2,mill3,mill4,mill5,mill6,mill7 lastWav sketchK update enterPage ,%H.% sketchList leavePage AnimDone AudioDone 4thisWav, thisAnim, lastWav, lastAnim, sketchList, currframe --switch the ` = "sketchK" T = "instruct,mill1,mill2,mill3,mill4,mill5,mill6,mill7" update /"milling" AnimDone AudioDone &4'R5 MAGELIST mill7 mill6 mill5 mill4 mill3 mill2 mill1 Even as objects become more complex, the same principles are used. Substeps are introduced to reduce the complexity of the individual steps. Here, we demonstrate the construction of a sketch of a milling machine. backward background sketchList currObject currframe buttonClick buttonClick 4sketchList, currframe ( - 1 currObject = S = 1 --notifyBefore -- enabled forward background sketchList currObject forwardsml currframe buttonClick sketchList forwardsml currframe update buttonClick 4sketchList, currframe H + 1 currObject = normalgraphic = icon "forwardsml" update normalGraphic icon id 127 currgraphic pause audioOn paused thisWav audioerror playing buttonClick buttonClick 4thisWav, audioOn, vol syserrornumber = 0 mmstatus clip \ = "playing" mmPause = "paused" mmvolume Ethiswav = mmPlay audioerror repeat audioOn thisWav audioerror buttonClick buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe, thisWav, wavList, audioOn, vol syserrornumber = 0 I = 1 mmvolume clip thiswav = mmPlay audioerror Repeat background instruct milling cartoon currObject sketchList thisAnim lastAnim sketchL currframe thisWav instruct lastWav enterPage currObject leavePage AnimDone AudioDone 4currframe, currObject, sketchList, thisWav, thisAnim, lastWav, lastAnim --switch the I = " = "instruct" = "" AnimDone AudioDone &P*8+ Cartooning Cartooning depicts motion, events, temperature, and/or flow, all within a single frame. currObject sketchList falling1,falling2 currframe Cartoons update falling1 buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe " = "falling1,falling2" 9 = " @ = 1 update /"Cartoons" .tbk" currObject spring1,spring2 sketchList currframe spring1 Cartoons update buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe " = "spring1,spring2" 7 = " > = 1 update /"Cartoons" .tbk" resist1 currObject sketchList currframe resist1,resist2 animate cartoons update buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe " = "resist1,resist2" 7 = " > = 1 update B"animate" /"cartoons" .tbk" currObject sketchList hammer1 currframe hammer1,hammer2 Cartoons update buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe " = "hammer1,hammer2" 7 = " > = 1 update /"Cartoons" .tbk" currObject sketchList currframe wheel1,wheel2 Cartoons update wheel1 buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe " = "wheel1,wheel2" 5 = " < = 1 update /"Cartoons" .tbk" currObject sketchList currframe flow1,flow2 Cartoons update flow1 buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe " = "flow1,flow2" 3 = " : = 1 update /"Cartoons" .tbk" bounce1 currObject sketchList bounce1,bounce2 currframe Cartoons update buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe " = "bounce1,bounce2" 7 = " > = 1 update /"Cartoons" .tbk" $ K# Bouncing Falling Spring Striking Spinning tipping1,tipping2 currObject sketchList currframe tipping1 Cartoons update buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe " = "tipping1,tipping2" 9 = " @ = 1 update /"Cartoons" .tbk" Tippingg tipping2 bounce2 falling2 flow2 hammer2 resist2 spring2 wheel2 bounce1 falling1 flow1 hammer1 resist1 spring1 tipping1 wheel1 instruct MAGELIST cartoons currObject wavList sketchList thisAnim lastAnim currfield repeat foundation currframe thisWav instruct lastWav foundation,frame,finish enterPage frame currObject blank finish foundation leavePage AnimDone AudioDone 4sketchList, currframe, currObject, thisWav, thisAnim, lastWav, lastAnim, wavList, currfield --switch the = "" T = "foundation, finish" enabled B"repeat" = " = "instruct" "blank" AnimDone AudioDone More Solids buttons backward forward pause paused thiswav audioerror playing buttonClick currframe buttonClick 4thiswav, vol syserrornumber = 0 mmstatus clip E = "playing" mmpause r = "paused" mmvolume mmplay audioerror notifyBefore 4currframe enabled = "True" repeat audioOn wavList paused currframe thisWav audioerror playing buttonClick currframe buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe, thisWav, wavList, audioOn, currfield, vol @ = 1 update syserrornumber = 0 thiswav mmstatus clip = "playing" 2= "paused" mmstop Kwait mmvolume mmPlay audioerror notifyBefore enabled = "True" Repeat section3 section2 sphere3 sphere2 sphere1 section1 instruct smallborder frame --notifyBefore 4currframe Step 2. Frame. a figure on the left. foundation --notifyBefore 4currframe Step 1. Foundation.gure on the left. finish --notifyBefore 4currframe Step 3. Finish. blank Substeps. Define more of the frame. shapesandflags shapes audioOn wavList paused currframe thisWav audioerror playing buttonClick buttonClick 4audioOn, thisWav, wavList, currframe, vol, currobject syserrornumber = 0 thiswav (mmstatus clip = "playing" 1= "paused") mmstop Jwait mmvolume mmPlay audioerror currObject wavList forward sketchList sphere1 currfield currframe sphere1,sphere2,sphere3 update foundation,frame,finish buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe, wavList, currfield 6 = "sphere1,sphere2,sphere3" 3 = "foundation, Kfinish" currField currFrame update .tbk" currObject wavList forward sketchList foundation,frame,blank,blank,finish tu1,tu2,tu3,tu4,tu5 currfield currframe update buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe, wavList, currfield 6 = "tu1,tu2,tu3,tu4,tu5" / = "foundation, Gblank, finish" currField currFrame update .tbk" section1,section2,section3 wavList forward sketchList currObject currfield section1 currframe update foundation,frame,finish buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe, wavList, currfield 6 = "section1,section2,section3" 6 = "foundation, Nfinish" currField currFrame update .tbk" currObject wavList forward sketchList foundation,frame,blank,blank,finish currfield currframe pyr1,pyr2,pyr3,pyr4,pyr5 update buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe, wavList, currfield 6 = "pyr1,pyr2,pyr3,pyr4,pyr5" 4 = "foundation, Lblank, finish" currField currFrame update .tbk" currObject wavList forward foundation,frame,blank,blank,blank,finish sketchList currfield currframe br1,br2,br3,br4,br5,br6 update buttonClick mouseEnter sketch.tbk mouseLeave buttonClick 4sketchList, currObject, currframe, wavList, currfield 6 = "br1,br2,br3,br4,br5,br6" 3 = "foundation, Kblank, finish" currField currFrame update .tbk" Bracket Cube Section Pyramid Sphere enterPage MAGELIST solids 8888Y F#V#f#s !276654&&#! 54&&#! m^&CZ:T :HDMEDIAPATH System Arial Arial Arial TBKWidgets Arial Arial :CDMEDIAPATH d:\cdloader olbo~9 Arial pagesys.sbk =^addToSysBooks thisAnim Sketching thisWav statusBar menusys.sbk enterBook addToSysBooks 4thisWav, thisAnim addToSysBooks "pagesys.sbk" menusys. statusBar = "Sketching" lnewBook Graphics Interactive single buttons backward forward pause audioOn paused thisWav audioerror playing buttonClick buttonClick 4thisWav, audioOn, vol syserrornumber = 0 mmstatus clip \ = "playing" mmPause = "paused" mmvolume Ethiswav = mmPlay notify audioerror repeat audioOn currObject wavList Rhandanim currframe thisWav audioerror buttonClick buttonClick 4sketchList, currframe, currObject, thisWav, audioOn, wavList, vol 7 > 1 currobject syserrornumber = 0 -- Like ASSERT statement mmvolume clip thiswav = mmPlay 0 notify handanim audioerror Repeat enterPage While engineering drawings formally represent a finished design, sketches are rough drawings created with simple tools, usually only pencil, which are meant only to communicate concepts. Sketchinghing currframe notifyBefore 4currframe enabled When drawing a line, begin by choosing endpoints. currframe notifyBefore 4currframe enabled Use light, brisk strokes to approximate the line. Use the inertia of the arm to assist - rotate the page if necessary - and do not over-emphasize finger control. currframe notifyBefore 4currframe enabled Darken the shape. Click on the forward arrow key to begin instruction. instruct step1 step2 step3 hand1 hand2 hand3 hand4 MAGELIST &File E&xit Alt+F4 Exit the program &Navigate navigate &First Page Ctrl+Home first &Next Page Page Down &Previous Page Page Up previous &Go to Page... Ctrl+G Introduction intro Go to Introduction chapter Objectives intro1 History intro2 Usefulness intro3 Sketching sketch Go to Sketching chapter Objectives Techniques Objects Cartooning Engineering Drawings formDraw Go to Formal Drawings chapter Objectives Format Working Drawings Othogonal Projection ortho Go to Orthogonal Projection chapter Objectives orth1 Theory orth2 Standard Views orth3 Auxiliary Views orth4 Common Practices orth5 orth6 Pictorials pictorials Go to Pictorials chapter Objectives pict1 Oblique View pict2 Isometric View pict3 Perspective View pict4 pict5 Sections sections Go to Sections chpater Objectives Full Section Half Section Offset Section Broken-Out Section Revolved Section Removed Section Common Practices Dimensioning dimension Go to Dimensioning chapter Objectives Definitions Guidelines Common Shorthand Tolerancing tolerance Go to Tolerancing chapter Objectives Definitions Practical Fabrication Tolerances True Position Datums Surface Features Descriptive Geometry descGeom Go to Descriptive Geometry chapter Objectives Basic Principles and Relationships Line Visibility Distance Between Lines Edge Views and True Shapes Dihedral Angles Intersection of a Line and a Plane Intersection of Two Planes Intersection of a Plane and a Solid Intersection of Solids Surface Developments Contours and Cut-and-Fill Shadows &Main Menu Ctrl+Alt+Home Go to the main menu &Options options &Audio Mute Ctrl+M OnOff Turns audio on or off Volume... setVolume Set the volume of audio &Page Controls controls Displays/Hides the Navigation Control Bar &Help Instructions F1 tutor How to use the program About the Authors authors Information about the authors Prof. Dennis K. Lieu Chris Casey Su Shien Pang Paul Krueger Allison Okamura Acknowledgments others Copyright Info copyright backwardsml backwardDis forwardsml pauseup pauseDis forwardDis ellipse sphere pyramid bracket section tipping bouncing falling spring striking spinning ellipse circle smsine return sectionsml pyrasm spheresml `:`2`2`= """"" """""" """""" """""" """"""" """""" """""" """"""" """""" """""" """""" """" """"" """""" """"""" """""""" """""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """""""" """""""" """"""" """""" """"" """""" " """"""" " """"""" " """""" """" """ """ """ """ """" **""""""**" ********** ********* ******** "" nnnff nnnff `````` ``````` step1 step2 step3 buttonclick buttonclick Begin Lesson L D u YH^Qu J}pyu O)ZwO ]pRZjT EayizNLekZ RrmDVMQVUN yy]jq =N%P9I wG9^;{ y2.RfW saZ^X_2 U=Pa= gA4GWq5m}T Rpx(u zpf]tV gqw|T^[e wLS*C,Vp9 fTR_fEe yTNyx]| pY7bGa 9@?WNkJy` 0XMaxd gFpyg 4Qd8@T +a%K]ia pR(Y+5^r aQnzK $P}`| nNlQI 0_aiss( LTBK^j1K &5LFoet(dx yu@ZXEV[TY NicSvd\b1 X`NzPMx Y'ba d?UMP5 Ysvhm opDY:Z/r :7E}e 1R:ADC 'Ql5_ 0)?]BcoSn |tydI FYF5'*TI i7n=6 zko]=c K0\viR f}kc7a iCyHS7\ b{ENV 0%RH{G\ dGc<_ ,}cNon oMh?_R zICC(zT Y6o\00QQ Wq_SS uUuQe }SuUu UuqUu